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Dr. Dipak Giri, a prolific Indian writer, an eminent editor and an erudite critic, from Cooch Behar, a district town within the jurisdiction of state West Bengal, India, is an acclaimed name in the field of both academic and creative writings. Since 2020, he has been performing the role of the Editor-in-Chief for a literary journal of international repute “Creative Flight”. Professionally, he is an Assistant Teacher of English in Katamari High School (H.S.), an Academic Counsellor of English in Netaji Subhas Open University, Cooch Behar College Study Centre and an Invitee Faculty of P.G. English, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University, Cooch Behar College Study Centre, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India. At present, he has been assigned with so many academic and research activities in both his country and abroad and his area of studies include Indian English Literature, Subaltern Studies, Queer Studies, Gender and Feminism.

 Published Books

1. Indian English Drama: Themes and Techniques, Vishwabharati Research Centre, Latur, India, 2018 (ISBN- 978-93-83109-62-3)

2. Indian English Novel: Styles and Motives, Vishwabharati Research Centre, Latur, India, 2018 (ISBN - 978-93-83109-82-1)

3. Postcolonial English Literature: Theory and Practice, Authorspress, New Delhi, India, 2018 (ISBN -978-93-87651-98-2)

4. New Woman in Indian Literature: From Covert to Overt, Vishwabharati Research Centre, Latur, India, 2018 (ISBN - 978-93-87966-74-1)

5. Indian Women Novelists in English: Art and Vision, Vishwabharati Research Centre, Latur, India, 2018 (ISBN- 978-93-87966-83-3)

6. Homosexuality in Contemporary Indian Literature: Issues and Challenges, AABS Publishing House, Kolkata, India, 2019 (ISBN- 978-93-88963-01-5)

7. Transgender in Indian Context: Rights and Activism, AABS Publishing House, Kolkata, India, 2019 (ISBN- 978-93-88963-25-1)

8. Gender and Marginality in Mahesh Dattani’s Drama: Text and Context, AABS Publishing House, Kolkata, India, 2019 (ISBN- 978-93-88963-32-9)

9. Immigration and Estrangement in Indian Diaspora Literature: A Critical Study, AABS Publishing House, Kolkata, India, 2019 (ISBN- 978-93-88963-43-5)

10. Woman-Nature Interface: An Ecofeminist Study, AABS Publishing House, Kolkata, India, 2019 (ISBN- 978-93-88963-60-2)

11. Same Sex Desire in Present India: An Anthology of Literary Texts and Contexts, LAP (Lambert Academic Publishing), Germany, 2019 (ISBN-978-620-0-23799-6)

12. Perspectives on Indian Dalit Literature: Critical Responses, Booksclinic Publishing, Chhattisgarh, India, 2020 (ISBN-978-93-89757-71-2)

13. Tribal Perspectives in India: Critical Responses, Booksclinic Publishing, Chhattisgarh, India, 2020 (ISBN-978-93-90192-22-9)

14. Queer Sexualities in Indian Culture: Critical Responses, Booksclinic Publishing, Chhattisgarh, India, 2020 (ISBN-978-93-90192-92-2)

15. Subaltern Perspectives in Indian Context: Critical Responses, Booksclinic Publishing, Chhattisgarh, India, 2021 (ISBN-978-93-90655-92-2)

16. Gender Perspectives in Indian Context: Critical Responses, Booksclinic Publishing, Chhattisgarh, India, 2021 (ISBN-978-93-90655-84-7)

17. Indian English Poetry: A Critical Evaluation, Pacific Books International, New Delhi, India, 2021 (ISBN-978-81-953736-6-6)

18. From Literary Composition to Cinematic Adaptation: A Study of Cinema through Literature from Indian Perspective, AABS Publishing House, Kolkata, India, 2022 (ISBN- 978-93-91146-51-1)

19. Indian Diaspora Literature: A Critical Evaluation, Malik & Sons Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, India, 2024 (ISBN- 978-93-92459-50-4)

20. Indian Short Story: A Critical Evaluation, Malik & Sons Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, India, 2024 (ISBN- 978-93-92459-85-6)

21. Human-Nature Interface: An Ecocritical Study, Rudra Publishers &  Distributors, New Delhi, India, 2024 (ISBN- 978-93-48421-37-1)